ABOUT 2017-08-10T22:59:27+00:00


The details that distinguish us from our competitors is the quality of service that we place on the customization process which we tailor with individuality for each and every client. We understand that all vehicles and customers require different functions for establishing a smoother and more comfortable ride. We seek to nurture and further develop the satisfaction that each person has when entering their newly customized car.

Finally, maintaining an artistic eye all while undergoing the machining procedure is an essential aspect of our goal, which is to successfully customize wheel adapters as well as creating an aesthetically pleasing look.

Wheel Adapters

Bolt on rims with different offsets for maximum security and efficiency for your wheels.

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Wheel Spacers

Ensure the best possible spacer for your customization to create longevity for your purchase.

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Custom Wheels

Let your personality flash and display some of yourself when choosing your new wheels.

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